Monday, February 16, 2009

Pramod Mutalik's stupid act..

Its just to have the name floating in the air that Mr.Mutalik is doing all these things.the things done are again aped from the Siva Sinaks in Mumbai to ban Valentine day celebrations.people wud have remained tranquil but for the mangalore pub case they are still red.Hats off to Nisha Susan who has alarmed the gals in India to voice against these foolishly wired brains.Its just to show how devislish people are n give out senseless comments.Atleast she has the guts to send a pink chaddi n provoke people to do the same.Though this too sounds senseless but fight has to b performed.heheh.
Its just a publicity stunt n Mutalik followers have forcefully made a brother to tie a knot to his sister.So what about this fact.Y are the policemen still deaf n numb to not react with this fact.
I just have one say,Mutaliks are here to get popularity by doing stupid ridiculous stuffs n capture minds of many more foolish people n want to bring up the Rama Sene group as the acting power in Bangalore.

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