Thursday, February 12, 2009

too many wants

This wud b a xerox of economic basics- human wants are innumerable n attained are very few.isnt that true.indeed yes.wants are so many.jus unnumbered.the best part is the wants gets modified n appended to the existing array but never ever would it get deleted.I wonder how v humans remember so many lists of wants.from smelling the aroma of "Park Avenue" deo our demands sprout n grow into a big banyan tree.they are so average man,thinks to buy this that n so on.A religious person publically announces that he/she has abnegated the materialistic things.But is that actually ture,according to what i know is these are the only enjoyers n fulfilled persons.They say no one i need except the divine blessings,but everything wud be there.Nokia iPhone wud b first wid them n then wid the software guy.watssay?
Sticking to my topic,so many so many we think n wish but only few try hard n pour their sweat to attain the same.Those are the real Heros..For example a poor gal,from the Asia's biggest slum had a dream to become a film star.She was from a torn place a stinking area wid only the aroma of urine n urea all around.Her dad qualified to be a drunken,no penny but was rich in the dictionary of abusive language.Total local image,but the gal stamped all odds to actually prove herself n has become a popular figure.
My own grandpa,wanted to quench his thirst of learning stuffs though his parents were in rags.He washed plates,wiped floors only to fetch some coins n in return learn Sanskrit.hough suffered a lot in his childhood days,he pushed all those hardships to prove his thrist for learning n he actually did learn so much that the entire country praised him n saluted his knowledge.He was awarded innumerable awards,Indira Gandhi appreciated n etc...
The wants have to b classified accordingly n worked upon properly to achieve the fulfillment in attaining them.But still our brains is not gonna subtract any wants n we keep dreaming.
Dream but dream which is possible n make it possible.But again jumping to the start our economics have to be strengthen by actually classifying the wants correctly n working upon them excatly......

1 comment:

  1. gud 1... but i felt something is still missing.. did not understand what it was.
